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Witness The Fitness! I’m In Newsweek

  If someone had told me 5 years ago that at 45 I’d be a non-smoking teetotal fitness fanatic who had recently run a half-marathon with 10,000 other people (finishing in 1hr 36, the top 4% of all female runners) and just signed up to become a personal trainer, I’d probably have guffawed in disbelief as I chomped on a giant bag of salt and vinegar Kettle Chips, then lit another cigarette, poured myself a large Pinot and dismissed them with a flick of the wrist as I sat back to watch another episode of my favourite show on the telly. Exercise was not a word in my vocabulary (unless you counted flinging myself around a nightclub until silly o’clock on a Saturday night).   Yet here I am, writing this, 14 months sober and wearing slinky Sweaty Betty in a size small (I’m an almost 6ft giant - I’d never been a small in anything  until a few years ago) having done a BodyPump class at the gym and been for a run; drinking coffee and getting excited to learn about muscle groups. (When a person bu

My Story Is In The Daily Mail!

 Hmm...I think 10 years might be a bit of a stretch, Daily Mail ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚. But it’s great to see my story in today’s paper, celebrating my sober journey. (Or should I say OUR journey - I couldn’t have done it without Dave doing it too). 

I’ll probably get slaughtered in the comments by pitchfork-wielding DM readers ๐Ÿ˜ฌ, but as long as that’s the only kind of slaughtered I get these days I can handle it...

Day 220 ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป


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